
From Kolesnikov.org

Конник2014: Конник Михаил (Virens): История создания алгоритма Быстрого Преобразования Фурье (БПФ)//Пост в блоге. 2014. (Библиогр. 13 назв.) http://mydebianblog.blogspot.com/2014/07/blog-post.html

1. Cooley J.W. and Tukey J.W. An algorithm for the machine calculation of the complex fourier series. Mathematics Computation, 19:297-301, 1965.
2. James W. Cooley. The re-discovery of the fast fourier transform algorithm. Mikrochimica Acta, III:33-45, 1987.
3. J.W. Cooley. How the FFT gained acceptance. Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery Conference on the History of Scientific and Numeric Computation, Princeton, NJ, pages 10-13, 1987.
4. J. Good I. J. Royal Statist. Soc.,, 20:361, 1958.
5. L. H. Thomas. Applications of Digital Computers, chapter Using a Computer to Solve Problems in Physics. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1963.
6. K. Stumpff. Grundlagen und Methoden der Periodenforschung, Tafeln und Aufgaben zur Harmonischen Analyse und Periodogrammrechnung. Springer, Berlin, 1939.
7.  G. C. Danielson and C. Lanczos. Some improvements in practical fourier analysis and their application to x-ray scattering from liquids. J. Franklin Inst. 233, Pergamon Journals, Ltd., pages 365-80, 1942.
8. Philip Rudnick. Note on the calculation of fourier series. Math. Comp., Vol. 20, No.3:429-430, July 1966.
9. C. Runge and H. Konig. Vorlesungen uber Numerisches Rechnen (Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band XI). Springer, Berlin, 1924.
10. J.W. Cooley, P.A. Lewis, and P.D. Welch. An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex fourier series. IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoustics, AU-15:76, 1967.
11. H.H. Goldstine. A History of Numerical Analysis from the 16th Through the 19th Century. Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, and Berlin, 1977.
12. C.F. Gauss. Nachla: Theoria interpolationis methodo nova tractata. (Carl Friedrich Gauss, Werke, Band 3), Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen, pages 265-303, 1866.
13. M.T. Heideman, D.H. Johnson, and C.S. Burrus. Gauss and the history of the fast fourier transform. The ASSP Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 4:14-21, Oct. 1984.
